This assignment is to create a series of buttons using jQueryUI. This will test your ability to properly use selectors, apply styles, and use jQueryUI.
You’ll need to create just a series of buttons for a form. Your job is to figure out what type of form would need a series of buttons. Hint: think about a page/form that would need to be handled in a mobile environment.
Include at least three buttons/button sets. You should have at least 2 separate buttons, and one button set. More may be needed, depending upon your project.
Turn In:
Zip up file(s) and submit via Sakai.
Grading Info:
Webpage/form about a single topic, with meaningful data buttons (10 pts)
Incorporate buttons (15 pts)
Incorporate button set (15 pts)
Events to show that you have selected the buttons (10 pts)
TOTAL – 50 pts