Create an HTML based article for the superhero, that you made up in your previous assignment, that will be an article about something that happened to your super hero. Examples would be stopping the speeding train, protecting the mayor, getting a cat out of a tree, etc.
Write up this article as if it were in a newspaper article. An image does not have to be included at this time.
If you are unfamiliar with a journalist style of writing, you may want to research a little bit about it first.
Turn In:
Submit your article to Sakia before class.
Grading Criteria:
____ Include an article title (5 points)
____ Include a by-line (you may be the author) (5 points)
____ Include at least 4 paragraphs (they can be small) (15 points)
____ Include at least 2 sub-heads (h2-h3 tag sets) (10 points)
____ Include a pull quote (5 points)
____ Total (40 points)