HINT: Keep your project in mind, so you can use this homework as one of the project pages.
Using the new floating image trick learned in class (wrapping text to follow an image outline), find an image that could benefit from this. Include an image that matches the text, and have enough text to properly fill/display the image area. Split the image into at least 5 sections that the text can flow around.
You must use real text (not Lorem Ipsum), and it must be about the image you use.
Turn In:
Submit this file to Sakia.
Make sure that you have set your files up to work as simple site, including image directory, and the main file called index.htm. The folder should be named: hw02_firstname_lastname. If the folder is named anything else, the assignment is not considered turned in. Do NOT put the HTML file(s) in an additional sub folder.
Grading Criteria:
____ /10 Text and image are in agreement – and the image is large enough, and the text plentiful enough
____ /5 Good image for using the wrapping technique
____ /10 Proper number of image slices (this will vary depending upon image)
____ /5 Text properly aligned
____ /30 TOTAL