
fluid | bliss | annual retreat


fluid is our 'vertical' time. Very simply, fluid is our time of corporate worship on Sunday evenings at 6pm. It is not ‘church’. It is the church coming together to worship the Eternal One, the God who existed before time and space, the Great "I AM." It is a time for the "called out ones" to gather together.

It is our opinion that the two dominating themes for those who are called Christians are community and worship. This can be seen in Acts 2:42 where we see that the called out ones gathered to hear the teaching of the apostles, share Communion, fellowship and prayer.

fluid nearly always incorporates worship through music, teaching, and prayer. At various times, our worship has also included coloring/arts and crafts, dancing, sharing a feast, and hearing updates from friends from across the country and around the world.

fluid is a time and place to worship the Eternal One, the God that has existed before time and space, the Great “I AM.” It is a time for the “called out ones” to gather together.

fluid is for anyone who is hungry for an authentic time of worship, without the trappings or feel of an institution.

fluid reflects the contemporary expressions of worship heard on CDs like Exodus, Delirious, Passion while at the same time practicing historical expressions of worship like Communion, silence, and reading from the Bible.

fluid is for: believers from all walks coming to worship and glorify God; seekers hungry for spiritual truth coming to see what the excitement is all about.


. . . because you’ve never seen the world as it really is until you’ve been blinded by God like never before.

. . . because nothing brings more security than being totally surrendered to the will of God.

. . . because when our worship stills in silence, you can still hear the cries of a thirsty world.

. . . because in seeking and experiencing the ancient ways, we understand our today better

. . . because dying is living and giving is gaining.

. . . because you cannot be told, you must experience this reality firsthand.

. . . because sometimes you need to be reminded that you are not alone.

. . . because in the community of worship, you discover who you really are.

. . . because nothing should be louder than our silent awe in the face of a holy God.

. . .because it’s not a religious event, but an experience in touching the Eternal One and having Him touch us.

. . . because we need the rejuvenation that the worship brings us in order to continue the pilgrimage to a life enjoying the streaming brilliant sunlight of His love.

. . . because there is nothing more than Jesus.

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Bliss is a gathering of fellow searchers, a time of fellowship and community. We started in September 1999 and have been walking together on the journey of life ever since. Our focus is a time for real life to occur in community.

In the first church 2000 years ago, members met in each others' homes to strengthen and encourage one another. That is being the church as we see it—the called out ones of God gathered together. We believe that it is this custom that will be a tremendous catalyst in helping the Christian church be relevant in today's society, and tomorrow's -- for the same reason it helped the church 2000 years ago.

Bliss is the place, the bridge as it were, for a soul searcher to move into relationship with the Eternal. It is also a place for Believers to connect with others who seek after something larger than themselves.

The atmosphere is light and relaxed with the emphasis on sharing our lives together, in the fellowship of community. If you want to participate in the “us” stuff of spiritual life, just contact anyone already in Bliss. We’d love to meet you.

Bliss is what we're all about: "extreme community." It's active "hanging-out" together, learning more about each other and developing bonds that will last. This is where it's at!

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2013 Numinous Retreat

July 11-14, 2013

Location: Daytona Beach, FL
Cost: $100

re·treat  (rĭ-trēt') n.
- A period of seclusion, retirement, or solitude.
- A period of group withdrawal for prayer, meditation, or study: a religious retreat.

Retreating is not a bad thing. We “retreat” to be recharged or as the 2nd definition says, “withdrawal for prayer, meditation, or study”. We do this to become closer with our community and build up a stronger wall against enemy attack.
Come retreat with us!

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