Arrays of C++ Objects

We’ve talked about arrays and objects before, but now we’re going to look at an array of objects. Consider a situation where you had a class called Student. While you would often need to work with a singular student, you could very likely also need to have multiple students, for example, if you were talking…

C-Strings in C++

A C String is actually an array of characters. While C strings are a thing, generally speaking it is best to use the C++ string object. However, if you run into an older application, or someone who wants to do things old style, it is good to know how to use a C-String. Additionally, any…

Merge Sort

Like the Quick Sort, the Merge Sort uses a divide and conquer method to help sort the data. In a given array, you start to subdivide your array into smaller arrays, sorting the data as you go along, only to merge it back together when you are done. The way you sort the data is…