Web Terminology

A web page is a single file which contains a document following the HTML specification. It may reference external files to bring in design elements, multimedia elements, and script files. Typically this file will have an extension of either .html or .htm. On most web servers, web pages and other resources are case sensitive. Windows…

What is a Database?

In the most simplest of terms, a database is a piece of software used to store information. The database program is responsible for ensuring that data, or information if you prefer, is stored correctly and accurately. These applications can be very simple, or quite complex depending upon a variety of factors. Some of them run…

What is WordPress?

WordPress is what many would call a mid-level Content Management System (CMS). It offers some of the complex features of high end CMSes, but has some limitations and stays relatively easy to use. In most circumstances, you won’t need a special administrator to setup and run WordPress, like you would need with some CMSes. Best…