Adding Animation

Animation is the movement, or change, of objects through time.

Timing is done though a series of frames. Each frame is a fraction of a second, based upon the number of frames per second.

Animation occurs through tweens which happen over a number of frames. Motion Tweens create changes in position, size, color, or other attributes of an object on the stage. Motion tweens require an object to move. Shape Tweens allow you to change the shape of an object. The object will need to be a primitive vector object.

When you open Chapter 4's start file- you will notice several layers with some basic animation already. Note that they also have layers in folders to help with the organization of the time line.

You can change the starting point or ending point of an animation by changing the starting/ending frame. More frames = slower animation Less Frames = longer animation.

Hold the Shift Key while sliding the last frame to make the last frame stay visible for a while longer.

Use the "Orient to Path" option in the properties panel to have your item automatically rotate to point in the direction of the movement. Hint: your Registration Point matters here.

Animation timelines in Graphic Symbols are dependant upon the main timeline. Animation timelines in Movie Clip Symbols are independent upon the main timeline.