Security Goals and Threats

Computer security is the freedom from theft of or damage to hardware, software, or information, and from disruption or misdirection of services. Protection is the set of mechanisms and policies that guarantee computer security, including the confidentiality, integrity, availability, and authenticity of all data and services. Common types of compromised computer security Information disclosure Information modification Information…

The Bubble Sort

The Bubble Sort is one of the simplest sorts you can write, from a developer’s perspective. Unfortunately, it is one of the slowest to run from the computer’s perspective. A bubble sort works on the following idea. Given a list of values, start at the top value and look at the next value. If the…

An Intro to Sorting Data

Quickly finding and sorting data is a very important part for many developers as it allows users to search and find data quickly.  While many languages have built in sorting algorithms, sometimes we only have a template that we need to finish. This is especially true for complex data types which aren’t as easy to…

Binary Search

If our data is pre-sorted then a binary search starts to make a lot of sense. It is like the guessing game we mentioned earlier where you need to find a number between 1 and 100. No one asks for 1, then 2, then 3… until they find it. Instead we ask for the mid…

Brute Force Searching

Now in some cases, we’ll use a brute force method of searching. This is slow and inefficient from a run-time perspective. However, it is relatively fast to write. With a brute force search, you scan through every item in a list until you find the element. Why use Brute Force As you can imagine, scanning…