Introduction to Threads

An application implemented as a single process follows a single path of execution through the program. Most (All) applications you’ve written at this point are single process applications. When a process is blocked by a resource, then the whole process is blocked. However, many applications have other parts of the application that could continue to…

Operations on Processes

A process creation hierarchy is a graphical representation of the dynamically changing parent-child relationships among all processes. The process creation hierarchy changes each time a process is created or destroyed. When a process initiates the creation of a child process, the OS executes a create process function. The create process function allocates a new PCB, fills the PCB entries…

Parts of the PCB

CPU_state – When the process is stopped, the current state of the CPU, consisting of various hardware registers and flags, is saved in this field to be reloaded when the process resumes. PCB Data Description Data Stored As Can Change process_state This is the state of the process, running, ready, or blocked most often. Integer…