Arrays of C++ Objects

We’ve talked about arrays and objects before, but now we’re going to look at an array of objects. Consider a situation where you had a class called Student. While you would often need to work with a singular student, you could very likely also need to have multiple students, for example, if you were talking…

The String Class

In C++ there are two ways to process strings. C-Strings which are an array of characters terminated by a null character, or the C++ style string object. The string class hides the details of how the string is stored from the user – remember one of the tasks of a class is to abstract the…

Nested Lists

While it is not encountered all the time, any web developer who has worked very long will encounter a need for nested lists – that is a list within a list, or what is sometimes called a sub-list. Nested lists allow for you to better organize groups of related items. Consider a packing list for…