Requirements Analysis

Chapter 9 will focus on scenario bases modeling. Throughout analysis modeling, your focus should be on what, not how. While everything may not be known, we can approach this in an iterative method refining the model until everything is uncovered. The requirements model should have 3 primary objectives: Elements of an analysis modeling: Requirements Analysis…

Break and Continue

We’ve seen the break in a switch statement. It stops running the blocks of code, and simple exits out of the switch. In the same manner, if you use a break in a loop, it exits us from the loop prematurely (not by the loop condition). The continue keyword, moves us to the end of…

For Loops in C++

The for loop is the counting loop of C++. It is usually designed to run a specific number of times, and then end. With it, it keeps a counter, to let you know where in the loop you are – useful when looping through an array which will look at soon enough. The general form…