Default Arguments

C++ has added the ability to have default arguments be defined when you declare your functions. To define a default value, you must specify the parameter name, and then assign it a value. If someone calls this function without passing an argument to the function, the computer will use 20 as the parameter. If they…

Function Prototypes

In previous examples, we’ve had to write our functions above the place where they are called. However, many developers like to place main as their first function they see, so it’s easier to find. Or they may not know the order that the function will be called. C and C++ allow you to define a…

Overloading a Function

Overloading a function means that you can create different functions with the same name, as long as their signatures are different. That means that the parameter list must be of a different number and/or data types from one to another. Overloading functions can make reading code much clearer/easier. This way functions that perform the same…

Requirements Analysis

Chapter 9 will focus on scenario bases modeling. Throughout analysis modeling, your focus should be on what, not how. While everything may not be known, we can approach this in an iterative method refining the model until everything is uncovered. The requirements model should have 3 primary objectives: Elements of an analysis modeling: Requirements Analysis…