Break and Continue

We’ve seen the break in a switch statement. It stops running the blocks of code, and simple exits out of the switch. In the same manner, if you use a break in a loop, it exits us from the loop prematurely (not by the loop condition). The continue keyword moves us to the end of…

For Loops in C++

The for loop is the counting loop of C++. It is usually designed to run a specific number of times, and then end. With it, it keeps a counter, to let you know where in the loop you are – useful when looping through an array which will look at soon enough. The general form…

Requirements Gathering

The book calls this Eliciting Requirements. They should be done in a collaborative environment. Generally either face to face meetings and/or virtual meetings. Being done in real time allows for faster feedback than over an email/text/phone calls, etc. The meetings should include developers as well as other stakeholders. Rules and an Agenda for the meeting…