Characteristics of a Software Engineer

Obviously mastering the technical aspects of software development are important. However, hopefully as you’ve seen from the class already, there is more to it than just “coding”. The book outlines 7 traits that they feel are necessary to be a good software engineer. Individual Responsibility Works to deliver on promises they make to their peers,…

Insertion Sort

An insertion sort is a bit of a special case. It assumes that you will be given a set of values over time, and as you get them, you will insert the value into its correct location based upon the given values. Depending upon the data, and size, you could utilize different types of sort,…

Merge Sorted

While similar in name to the Merge Sort, the Merge Sorted is a bit of a special case type of sort, and shares none of the same methodology.  In it, you take two, or more sources, which are already sorted, and you merge them together. As you merge them together, you determine from which list,…