Senior Project Milestone

At project milestones you need to demonstrate that you’ve successfully completed the tasks that were defined at the beginning of this sprint. Each task should be complete. Meaning that it has been written, tested, documented (both internal and external as needed), and meets the final design specification. You should submit your completed code and external…

Senior Project Outline

Given the selected project, that you chose, determine what a general outline for your project. With this project you should be creating your estimated timeline for your project. The project will be broken down into four sections. Using an Agile Framework, the specific break downs for each section will occur within those sprint timelines. However,…

Weekly Standup Meeting

During the weekly stand up two things happen. First: You should meet with your teammate(s) to verify everything is on track. You should be talking during the week either through email, in person, discussion forum, etc. But this time is set aside for formal discussions. Second: You will meet one on one with the instructor…

Recursion in Python

We’ve seen examples of where one function calls another. For example inside of main, you see that load_data(), total(), and average() are called. Recursion is where a function, calls itself. As you can see, calling yourself is “easy” but also “dangerous”. You can easily end up in an infinite recursive loop, that is until you…