Web Terminology

A web page is a single file which contains a document following the HTML specification. It may reference external files to bring in design elements, multimedia elements, and script files. Typically this file will have an extension of either .html or .htm. On most web servers, web pages and other resources are case sensitive. Windows…

Intro to HTML 5

Version 4 and prior of HTML was a little “wild west” in how it was interpreted and defined. It wasn’t always consistent in how it was implemented or interpreted, and sloppy interpreters allowed lots of pages with errors displayed things differently. At one point it was estimated that 98% of all web pages had at…

Complex Data Types That Come with Your Language

Complex data types are usually classes. Some might be supplied by the language, while others are user defined. Complex data types have methods built in for working with the data, libraries that come with the language (potentially) and will vary from language to language on how they are stored and handled. The types of data…

An Introduction to C++

A little bit of history C++ is an expansion of the C programming language. It’s main addition was the ability to create and use objects. That makes it an Object Oriented Programming (OOP) based language. You do not have to start with objects however, as it retains all of the C procedural language constructs and…