What is a CMS

At its base level, a content management system (CMS) manages your content. However, that merely realigns its name. A content management system will, as a minimum, perform several key tasks: Allow you to add, edit, and remove web pages from your website. Allow you to manage uploaded content for your site, be it pictures, audio…

Relational vs Non-Relational Databases

We’ve already looked at databases. However, you might be interested to know a little more about the two most common types of databases, relational and non-relational. Relational Databases A relational database works by having groups of data, called tables, that can be related to another table, or tables. For example, you might have three tables:…

What is a Database?

In the most simplest of terms, a database is a piece of software used to store information. The database program is responsible for ensuring that data, or information if you prefer, is stored correctly and accurately. These applications can be very simple, or quite complex depending upon a variety of factors. Some of them run…