Student Choices

In this class, I have three weeks set aside for students to pick an emerging technology and discuss it and ethical dilemmas that might occur from those technologies. There are a variety of topics you may want to talk about including: We shall discuss, and students are expected to research, and provide thoughts both pro…

Image Filters, Image Generation, and Deep Fakes

We’ve previously looked at general purpose AI, and mentioned how there are some specific, or narrow focus AIs out there as well. These are designed to do a specific task, such as drive a car, detect intruders on a camera system, etc. Today we’re going to look at those that work with images specifically. While…

The Ethics of a General Purpose AI

We’ve already talked a little about the ethical considerations of artificial intelligence applications because they collect data from sources which might not have given permission for the data to be used in that manner. This is a matter as we’ve already discussed about who owns “your” data. We also have to consider that many general…

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a digital computer, or computer-controlled robot, to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings. The term is frequently applied to the project of developing systems endowed with the intellectual processes characteristic of humans, such as the ability to reason, discover meaning, generalize, or learn from past experience. –…

An Ethical Argument for Banning Digital Voting

We’ve previously looked at what is electronic voting. Then we looked at the ethics of allowing voting using an electronic method. Now we’ll discuss the ethics of preventing the use of electronic voting. Most, as we will see, are because of the chance of tampering. They showed this in the clever Sci-Fi TV show Eureka…