Technology and Farming

Technology is changing the farming industry in several significant ways, incorporating various advanced technologies such as robotics, tracking systems, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and more. Here are some key uses of these technologies: Robotics in Agriculture Robots are increasingly being used to automate and optimize various farming tasks: Tracking and Monitoring Systems Genetically Modified Organisms…

Farming, the Population, Age, and Other Problems

The involvement of the population in farming in the United States has undergone significant changes over the past two centuries. Farming was so common that it is believed that potentially 90% of the population was involved in it at one time or another. However, as the population of the US grows, we are seeing a…

What is a Smart City

A smart city is a municipality that leverages advanced information and communication technologies (ICT) to enhance the quality of life for its residents, improve the efficiency of city operations, and drive economic growth. The primary goal is to create an urban environment that is more livable, sustainable, and efficient[1][2][3]. The ideas of smart cities have…

The Ethics of Drones and AI on the Battlefield

If you remember, one of the things we discussed was how the military’s job is to save as many of their soldiers as possible. We do that by creating long-range weapons (sometimes referred to as standoff weapons), better armor, stealth, maneuverability, and more. So, what if we completely remove our own soldiers, sailors, and airmen?…