Nested Lists

While it is not encountered all the time, any web developer who has worked very long will encounter a need for nested lists – that is a list within a list, or what is sometimes called a sub-list. Nested lists allow for you to better organize groups of related items. Consider a packing list for…

Common Coding Problems

Over my 25-30+ years of coding (including hobby stuff as a teenager), I’ve made my fair share of coding mistakes. In fact, everyone who has ever written code before has written lots of errors. That’s why we test so much. Even today, I still make mistakes, many of them the same as you. The difference…


A flowchart is a graphical way to show the logic of an algorithm. While there is a technical and specific way of showing a flowchart, it isn’t required to logically get information across. Sometimes you’ll find them in jokes, or shared between non-technical people. Clearly, based on the example, you can see how to follow…