Complex Data Types That Come with Your Language

Complex data types are usually classes. Some might be supplied by the language, while others are user defined. Complex data types have methods built in for working with the data, libraries that come with the language (potentially) and will vary from language to language on how they are stored and handled. The types of data…

An Introduction to C++

A little bit of history C++ is an expansion of the C programming language. It’s main addition was the ability to create and use objects. That makes it an Object Oriented Programming (OOP) based language. You do not have to start with objects however, as it retains all of the C procedural language constructs and…

A Sample C++ Program

Let’s look at a simple program and work through it step by step. #include #include statements are at the top of the file, and let you include any libraries you might need. iostream, in our example is used to help process input and output. You might think this is standard, but if you are building…

Recursion in Python

We’ve seen examples of where one function calls another. For example inside of main, you see that load_data(), total(), and average() are called. Recursion is where a function, calls itself. As you can see, calling yourself is “easy” but also “dangerous”. You can easily end up in an infinite recursive loop, that is until you…