Now you have developed three mobile friendly websites. Think back upon the different sites what you have learned and experienced in building them.
From this information, think about two things:
- Your preferences. What did you like/dislike about each type?
- Your knowledge gained. What would you do differently? Would it change the outcome of the projects, and in what way?
Considering the projects created, create a 3 to 8 page write up that:
- describes each projects,
- what went well,
- what didn’t go well, and
- what you would do differently.
This should have your personally beliefs as if expresses your experiences with the three methods, however it is important to back up your information.
Use good grammar and writing in this paper, and follow the following guidelines.
Paper Guidelines:
Points may be deducted for failing to follow instructions.
- No Title Page
- 12 pt Times New Roman
- Headers may be larger
- 18 pt for Heading 1
- 15 pt for Heading 2
- 1″ Margin (all sides)
- Double space
- Submit as MS Word document (doc or docx) only
- Submit to Sakai
_____ Properly convey overview of three projects (20 points)
_____ Explain things that went well, and the went poorly (20 points)
_____ Explain what you would do differently if you had to do it over again (25 points)
_____ Explain what you learned in this process (25 points)
_____ Total (90 points)