Create a Word (doc, rtf, or docx file format – not HTML or PDF) for a superhero that you have made up yourself. Include the normal things one would see in a resume, but also include additional things that make you subject “super”.
The resume should help your character get a job with some town/city/government entity/et cetera. Assume that the places they protect/revivals of those they menace hire super heroes/villains, and this is the first step for them to getting hired.
If you have never written a resume, you need to research your topic. The resume should be approximately one page in length, and be designed to be “scanned” by someone reviewing it.
The document created must be able to be read with the classroom computers.
Turn In:
You are to turn in a Word (doc, docx, or rtf) document of your findings that will be graded on the criteria below. Submit your assignment to Sakia.
Grading Criteria:
____ Include a name and way to contact. (5 points)
____ Include a career objective statement (5 points)
____ Include a list of skills (10 points)
____ Include a job/relevant experience (15 points)
Don’t forget dates worked.
____ Include past relevant education (10 points)
Don’t forget graduation date, degree, etc.
____ Total (45 points)