This is reworking of your superhero website which was completed for project 1. You are to update the web site of your super hero.
Important Notes:
In addition to your grading criteria, these rules need to be followed.
- You will need to make sure you have a well designed,
- Project pages should use HTML5 for all of the pages.
- The CSS should be external – don’t use someone else’s CSS unless it is a Framework and you have permission first.
- Make sure you use good tag hierarchy
The purpose of this assignment is to get you using some of the other things learned in class, such as Dreamweaver Templates, CSS, and tables.
This assignment has a larger design aspect to it compared to the previous project, as we are trying to work more on presentation.
Turn In:
Submit your assignment via Sakia. Make sure all files are included in a ZIP document. To ensure that there are no issues, try to test our your website on another machine before submitting.
You filename should be Replace your name in place of first and last names please.
Grading Criteria:
____ Navigation Links (10 points)
Incorporate links from each page, to each page
Navigation should be easy to use.
Navigation links should include rollover effects
_____ Include an External Links page (10 points)
This should include links to pages outside of yours (these can be to other heroes, fan clubs, etc)
(Links might want to be in a list of some order.)
____ Included pages: resume, news article, contact (5 points)
Need to determine what type of home page one would use, would it provide information, or be a splash page?
Note: additional points can be taken off if issues arise in design/layout/usage
_____ Real text (10 points)
No “fake” (e.g. Lorum Ipsum) type text for filler
____ Layout Resume and Contact page for logical groupings of information (5 points)
Use the proximity property to properly group related items. Also use contrast in choosing headers to logically separate areas.
____ Properly use the following HTML structures (tags). (20 points)
These tags/structures should be used: h1, h2, anchors (links), (un)ordered list, and paragraph. You may incorporate more tags if you would like.
____ Style Sheets (external sheet linked in) (20 points)
Redefine the HTML tags to by styled the way you want. Must redefine at least 8 tags, but more is probably better. Follow a basic theme that you would want, such as the font type and style, etc.
_____ Style (20 points)
Choose a distinct color and design basis for your site/super hero/villain.
____ Design & Effort (30 Points)
Follow basic design principles of Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, and Proximity. I will be looking for basic design aspects
____ Total (130 points)