You are to build a website for a special event. You can pick what type of event (fundraiser, concert, new movie, film festival, political event, etc.) it must only be appropriate for school.
The simple (by number of pages) site should include information that you would expect with any event, such as date/time, location, contact info, media releases, etc.
You should develop a common theme to the site, and fill in the appropriate pages, based upon what would be required for your site. You site should have at least 5 pages associated with it (no upper limit), but you must decide what those pages are, and come up with enough text for them.
Good standard design practices apply, and will be graded. Likewise, developing a site within Dreamweaver, and using tools such as a Dreamweaver template will be beneficial.
Turn In:
Turn in this assignment via Sakia.
Make sure that you have set your files up to work as simple site, including assets directory, and the main file called index.htm. The folder should be named: prj01_firstname_lastname. If the folder is named anything else, the assignment is not considered turned in.
Do NOT put the HTML file(s) in a sub folder.
You will probably be called upon to demo your site before the class.
Grading Criteria:
____ /10 Proper number of pages, with enough content
____ /10 Proper use of a Dreamweaver site, and file naming
____ /10 Good navigation scheme (include image/CSS rollovers, consistency, etc)
____ /10 Good CSS layout, no tables for layout
____ /20 Good design technique/style
____ /60 TOTAL