Obviously mastering the technical aspects of software development are important. However, hopefully as you’ve seen from the class already, there is more to it than just “coding”.
The book outlines 7 traits that they feel are necessary to be a good software engineer.
Individual Responsibility
Works to deliver on promises they make to their peers, stakeholders, and management. They will do what is necessary to drive a successful outcome.
Acute Awareness
Realize the needs of their team mates, stakeholders, and managers. They can observe their environment and adjust their behavior to adapt to the needs of what is going on.
Brutally Honest
Flaws found must be pointed out, in a constructive way. They will not distort facts or information about skills, timelines, or features, opting to be realistic and truthful.
Resilience Under Pressure
There will be pressure, and potential chaos. They must be able to operate efficiently and effectively while under that pressure.
Sense of Fairness
Share credit. Avoid Conflicts of Interest. Never sabotage someone else’s work.
Attention to Detail
They make technical decisions on a daily basis against broader criteria.
Characteristics of a Software Engineer was originally found on Access 2 Learn