The book calls this Eliciting Requirements.
They should be done in a collaborative environment. Generally either face to face meetings and/or virtual meetings.
Being done in real time allows for faster feedback than over an email/text/phone calls, etc. The meetings should include developers as well as other stakeholders.
Rules and an Agenda for the meeting should be sent before hand so people can come prepared.
A facilitator should control the meeting to ensure that it stays on track. This should not be a developer. The book says a customer can do this – but I prefer to see a more neutral 3rd party play this role.
Work Products
When you get done with your requirements gathering, you need to be have something that the developers can work with.
- A statement of need and feasibility
- bounded statement of scope
- List of customers, users, stakeholders who participated in this request
- description of the technical requirements
- list of requirements
- set of usage scenarios
Within an Agile Environment
Within an Agile development environment, we build user stories. A story is built around a user requirement from the user’s perspective.
A user can click on the print button and print the current document with all supporting documents.
Requirements Gathering was originally found on Access 2 Learn