The fine folks at Make Use Of have created a nice guide book for making sure your you understand your security & privacy settings.
A Guide to Facebook Security was originally found on Access 2 Learn
The fine folks at Make Use Of have created a nice guide book for making sure your you understand your security & privacy settings.
A Guide to Facebook Security was originally found on Access 2 Learn
Assistant Professor
Walter Wimberly is an Assistant Professor at a regional college in Tennessee, teaching Computer Science in the Software Engineering track. He works as a student advisor, oversees curriculum changes, develops new courses, and manages the advisory panel.
Walter taught full time for about 7 years, before going back into “industry” as a full stack Software Developer for a dozen years. There he focused on web based projects coding in JavaScript/jQuery and utilizing the Bootstrap CSS Framework on the front-end, and coding in PHP, ASP/ASP.Net, SQL on the back-end.
Since he loves teaching, he taught as an adjunct web and digital media classes for eight (8) years, while working in industry, and has since returned to teaching full time.
He has been married for over 25 years, and is father to several special needs boys. As such, he is working on some projects to help others who have special needs to be self-sufficient, and support the care givers of those with special needs. Check out his Autism blog for more info.
This is the time to share the links which were posted on our Facebook page this past week. Free Textures – For eLearning Courses Creating a Response Workflow Phishing – How many people take the bait – too many show this infographic The CSS REM Unit – It can be used for more than just…
As a trainer, I believe in providing feedback to my students. This lets both me, and the student, know if progress is being made in the course material. Feedback can come in many forms. It can be from projects, to quizzes, to question and answer periods with the student. Quick and relevant the feedback means…
Easing is how the speed of the transition between CSS3 settings occurs. For example, is it linear – where the speed stays the same, or does it easeIn, where it starts slow, and progressively gets faster? There are over 30 different ways to ease into your next transition, and has a simple way of…
I’ll admit, one of the parts of web deign, that is the hardest for me, is writing a good headline. I have to work hard at it to get a good headline. However, I good headline can make your website. Good page titles can help by: Increasing page traffic, Improving SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and…
I have recently decided to start adding some free online content for users to access. These online courses combine text, images, and video to cover a subject. I have just finished the first course, Building & Styling HTML Tables, and am releasing it in a “beta” format. I choose this topic, as it is one…
Shaky videos are hard to watch. While there are many solutions out there, they often cost a lot of money, so someone created this video showing how you can get similar effects, for a fraction of the cost. So watch the video for a DIY version of someone of these expensive tools. Need a Cheap…
This is the time to share the links which were posted on our Facebook page this past week. Free Textures – For eLearning Courses Creating a Response Workflow Phishing – How many people take the bait – too many show this infographic The CSS REM Unit – It can be used for more than just…
As a trainer, I believe in providing feedback to my students. This lets both me, and the student, know if progress is being made in the course material. Feedback can come in many forms. It can be from projects, to quizzes, to question and answer periods with the student. Quick and relevant the feedback means…
Easing is how the speed of the transition between CSS3 settings occurs. For example, is it linear – where the speed stays the same, or does it easeIn, where it starts slow, and progressively gets faster? There are over 30 different ways to ease into your next transition, and has a simple way of…
I’ll admit, one of the parts of web deign, that is the hardest for me, is writing a good headline. I have to work hard at it to get a good headline. However, I good headline can make your website. Good page titles can help by: Increasing page traffic, Improving SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and…
I have recently decided to start adding some free online content for users to access. These online courses combine text, images, and video to cover a subject. I have just finished the first course, Building & Styling HTML Tables, and am releasing it in a “beta” format. I choose this topic, as it is one…
Shaky videos are hard to watch. While there are many solutions out there, they often cost a lot of money, so someone created this video showing how you can get similar effects, for a fraction of the cost. So watch the video for a DIY version of someone of these expensive tools. Need a Cheap…
This is the time to share the links which were posted on our Facebook page this past week. Free Textures – For eLearning Courses Creating a Response Workflow Phishing – How many people take the bait – too many show this infographic The CSS REM Unit – It can be used for more than just…
As a trainer, I believe in providing feedback to my students. This lets both me, and the student, know if progress is being made in the course material. Feedback can come in many forms. It can be from projects, to quizzes, to question and answer periods with the student. Quick and relevant the feedback means…
Easing is how the speed of the transition between CSS3 settings occurs. For example, is it linear – where the speed stays the same, or does it easeIn, where it starts slow, and progressively gets faster? There are over 30 different ways to ease into your next transition, and has a simple way of…
I’ll admit, one of the parts of web deign, that is the hardest for me, is writing a good headline. I have to work hard at it to get a good headline. However, I good headline can make your website. Good page titles can help by: Increasing page traffic, Improving SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and…
I have recently decided to start adding some free online content for users to access. These online courses combine text, images, and video to cover a subject. I have just finished the first course, Building & Styling HTML Tables, and am releasing it in a “beta” format. I choose this topic, as it is one…
Shaky videos are hard to watch. While there are many solutions out there, they often cost a lot of money, so someone created this video showing how you can get similar effects, for a fraction of the cost. So watch the video for a DIY version of someone of these expensive tools. Need a Cheap…