It is not uncommon for designers to need to create some “fake” text and/or data for design testing. This makes it so we can test the design without having to wait for final content from the client. (And it works well as long as we remember to remove it before putting it live.)
Often we will use something like a Lorem Ipsum generator (like or another related set of “dummy text” generator tools. These usually work well for things like paragraphs and lists, however, they don’t work well for tables.
Recently, upon me needing some fake table to work with, I found You tell it what the data should look like, and it will generate the number of rows of data you want, with the type of information you need.
It’s not as easy as a Lorem Ipsum text, because you have to specify what the data will look like, but it does work well.
Dummy Text and Data Generators was originally found on Access 2 Learn