The Vector Class

Using arrays to store a collection of variables, even objects, if very beneficial. However, it does have some limitations given that arrays are of a fixed size, and cannot shrink or grow with use. This means you either run out of space after a set of time, or you waste a lot of space as…

Creating an Object

Once you create your class, you need to create an object. The Class is just a blueprint for the program to follow. It doesn’t do anything until you create an object based off of that blueprint. Think of a house. If you have a house blueprint, all you have are some sheets of paper or…

Complex Data Types That Come with Your Language

Complex data types are usually classes. Some might be supplied by the language, while others are user defined. Complex data types have methods built in for working with the data, libraries that come with the language (potentially) and will vary from language to language on how they are stored and handled. The types of data…