Conditions in Rust

Rust has the normal conditions you’d expect with other languages. Similar to go, Rust doesn’t require parenthesis around the boolean condition, unlike many languages. Rust allows for your standard if – else if – else style of statements. You can see an example below: Changing the value of n, will change the output you get….

Advanced Logic in Ruby

In addition to the basic programming logic that Ruby has, it also has a few weirder forms of logic it can employ. Single Line Conditions Ruby allows for single line conditions where it is almost like a short hand. However, doing so may seem backward to normal logic, because the true block goes first. Consider…

Basic Logic in Ruby

In Ruby, you’ll find that all of the standard logic operators that most languages have, are supported. Symbol Meaning < Less than > Greater than == Equals != Not equals >= Greater OR equal to <= Less OR equal to Conditionals Of course, conditionals such as an if statement are also possible within Ruby. Similar…

More Advanced Conditional Statements

AS your applications become more complicated, you can expect your decisions to become more complicated. There are three ways this can happen. First, is a sequence of conditions, checking against the same variable. So in our last decision example, we mentioned how we cannot ask “What color is the shirt?” However, we might ask: “Is…

Conditions in Java

You will find conditions in Java familiar if you are used to using boolean conditions in C/C++. However, noticed that I said boolean conditions. That is because Java wants boolean conditions, those that generate a true or false answer, instead of the C/C++ conditions which actually look for an integer value. Notice the following below…