New Series – Questions and Answers for new Computer Science Students

Are you thinking about, or currently in, a Computer Science (CS) program? Do you have questions about the field, and want to know what to expect, and often ask yourself, is this the right place for me? Well, those types of questions, and more will be answered here. As an Assistant Professor and Under Grad…

Functions in Python

Functions allow us to write several lines of code, that may need to be called at different times in our code, and to call all of the code, with using just the function name, and some parameters. Sometimes functions are used to make code more readable, calling a function by a logical name, rather than…

Math in Python

We want to look at performing some simple math in Python. To do so, we’ll first look at our last example from our introduction to Python examples. We took in a number, but in reality, we took in a string that had numbers in it. If we want to treat the value as a number,…