What is jQuery

jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It simplifies HTML DOM tree traversal and manipulation, as well as event handling, CSS animation, and Ajax. It is written in JavaScript, and designed for web front end applications only. You can get a copy of jQuery at: https://jquery.com/ Why Use jQuery jQuery provides an easy-to-use…

Installing Bootstrap

Installation is like what the installation for any CSS or JavaScript framework for any website. You can either download the files from http://getbootstrap.com/getting-started/, or you can link to it via the Content Delivery Network (CDN). Requiring jQuery Regardless of which version you use, you will still need to include jQuery if you are going to…

How Bootstrap Works

Bootstrap is becoming a popular web layout system for the web. It was started by a designer/developer who worked at Twitter in 2010, and currently is at version 3.1.1. Bootstrap is a web framework. This means that it has identified common problems that web designer and developers run into, and tries to provide easy solutions…

jQuery Mobile Forms

Couple of interesting thoughts on mobile forms in jQuery Mobile. First, the concept of creating a mobile form is similar to creating a form for a desktop user. This means you will create a form with the standard action, and using GET/POST as you normally would. This also includes wanting to add labels with the…

jQuery Mobile Tables

Tables are part of the HTML specification, so they are supported in mobile devices. However, working with the space, makes for some interest viewing. Most of the time, you first have very tall cells as the browser tries to fit all of the columns. Then you end up having to scroll your table left and…