Intro to jQuery Mobile

Things to consider

jQuery Mobile takes your (properly formatted) HTML5 document, and makes it work well on a mobile device. However, there are some things you must consider to have a well running mobile website.

Using jQuery Mobile

jQuery Mobile will apply numerous styles for you, so you don't have to spend all of your time determining a style. For complex pages, this can slow down the browser. It also requires a couple of things to make it run.

Code to add (this is for release canidate 2 of version 1.1) to the HTML5 sample from last weeks class.

<link rel="stylesheet" 
href="" /> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script>

Once the code is added, you will automatically become styled.

The styles

The styles are automatically applied, you do not have to define the CSS styles. This makes development time a bit faster.

There are properties you can define, but they are optional. Most styles noticed are for obtaining form elements. Make sure your forms are small an easy to use, as they are harder to fill out on a mobile device compared to a computer.

Changing styles

You can use the data-theme="" attribute to change the color scheme. The default CSS file has 5 themes, a - e. You can use the theme-roller web tool to create your own themes, and you may have up to 26 themes in a CSS document. However, this can make your files large, so you may not want to theme quite so many of them.

The theme only affects certain areas like forms, headers, and footers. If you want to style specific areas, you may want to include another CSS document to set your personal styles.