Links are key to making the web work, by interconnecting pages from one section to another.
Styling a Link with CSS
To define how a link looks make sure to define your a tag. You may want to define some additional tags to be more specific.
- #footer a - for those in the footer section, which might need to be smaller, or subdued.
- #nav a - for navigation menu links (assuming they are contained within an element called #nav)
External Links
External links are links to other websites.
External links must have the whole address listed, including the http:// section.
To create select an element (image or text) and in property panel, insert into the link box the website address you need to link to.
Email Links
One Style
- Go to the "Common" tab of your Insert Bar
- Select the email icon
- Enter the "text" - this is what text will display as the linkable text
- Enter the address - this is the email address that the message will go to.
Alternative Style (if linkable text or image already exist)
- Select the text or image you want to use as your link
- In the Link text box for the linkable item, type: mailto:<email address>
- Obviously <email address> will be replaced with an actual email address
Warning: This could cause you to get more spam (yes more) because your address is not "protected" and can easily be read by bots. That is why a lot of companies have gone to using contact forms.
Named Anchors (Targeting Links within a Page)
There is a better way now.
- Take the tag you want to link to
- swtich to code view
- inside that tag, add an id attribute (e.g. <h1> becomes <h1 id="">)
- as the value of the id attribute, give it a name (e.g. <h1 id=""> becomes <h1 id="blackteas">
To access one of these attributes, and jump within the page, use the link #<internal anchor name> (e.g. #blacktea) in the link text box of the property inspector.