Getting Started

What is Dreamweaver - semi WYSIWYG xhtml editor.

Key thing to note: there are 3 elements which make up a webpage.

  1. Structure,
  2. Presentation, and
  3. Behavior (Interaction)

HTML vs. XHTML - XHTML has removed some deprecated tags, become standardized (closing tags required, all lower case tags & attributes)

(X)HTML defines the structure of the web page

Do you need to know XHTML to use Dreamweaver?

Yes and No.

Yes because there are some tags & attributes that Dreamweaver doesn't allow easy access to. If you are going to move into programming on the web, it will be more beneficial to know XHTML, if you are strictly a designer, it is not as necessary.

No because you will rarely need them.

Sort Of if you are going to be a standards compliant CSS designer, web optimizer, or work with SEO then knowing the tags will simplify your life!

What is XHTML and how does it look? - pg 5 & 6

File Naming

File/Directory Structure

You will find it easier, if you have a structure to your website. This will allow pages to naturally link to one another, and keep order out of many files. Here is a common structure which you might want to adapt on your local computer

What is CSS

What is JavaScript

What is a Web Application

A web application generally is made up of numerous pages, that utilize server driven behaviors.

A web application may perform e-commerce, inventory, customer support, searching, etc.

Think of what a computer desktop application can do, but on the web!

Dreamweaver Interface


Click on the image for a larger version.
Dreamweaver Interface

Insert Bar

Document Tool Bar

Document Window


You can edit your preferences on how you want to Dreamweaver to be laid out - however, this is set by computer, not by user.

Short Cut Keys - While this would be helpful to know as it allows you work faster, you will not be tested on Dreamweaver specific short-cut keys unless specified.