Over my 25-30+ years of coding (including hobby stuff as a teenager), I’ve made my fair share of coding mistakes. In fact, everyone who has ever written code before has written lots of errors. That’s why we test so much.
Even today, I still make mistakes, many of them the same as you. The difference is that I have the experience to find and fix them faster. I’ve seen those error messages and know what they mean.
I’d like to give you some common errors, so when you see them, you know how to fix them. I’ll be adding to this list as time progresses.
name/identifier not found. – Sometimes they’ll give you name, like velocity name not found. This means that you’ve not consistently spelled your variable or function names the same throughout your code. Fix your spelling error(s), and the issue goes away most of the time. If it doesn’t look at capitalization. Many languages like C#, C/C++,Java,Python and others, are case sensitive.
Common Coding Problems was originally found on Access 2 Learn