Bootstrap sets the fonts and typography as part of its layout. However, they’ve added several classes to help you out.
For example, they have classes that mimic your heading tags. So if you need a large size text, like an H1, but it’s not appropriate to add an H1 tag, you can apply the class .h1, and get the same effect. This can also be used on a span, as the classes do not display as a block level element.
Large Text
Subdued Text
Do you need to add “Subdued” text. This is text that is a little smaller than the surrounding text. You can use either the small tag, or class. This will make the text, 85% of the parent’s size.
Normal text... whispering
Normal text... whispering
Emphasizing Text
On the other hand, sometimes you need to make text stand out. This is where .lead comes into play. It will make your paragraph larger. Generally speaking, it would be to push your first paragraph a little larger, like you might see on a news paper website, where they want to draw you into the story. Of course, they call that the lede, not the lead, but that’s a different story.
Starting off in today's news...
Aligning Text
Bootstrap comes with several classes to aligning text that you can use. Their names are very straight forward, and thus easy to use.
Left aligned text.
Center aligned text.
Right aligned text.
Justified text.
Typography in Bootstrap was originally found on Access 2 Learn