At the bottom of the page, you can find the footer. This is where you traditionally found the copyright information, such as the year.
Nowadays, with some modern legislation based in different countries’ laws, you can often find links to web privacy standards, terms or use (or usage), and the cookie usage policy to remain compliant with GDPR. You may also find contact information, hours, and other information.
<div class=”column”> info...</div>
<div class=”column”> info...</div>
Sometimes we need to use some special HTML characters to get our content to show, for example, the copyright logo. In HTML we can specify © to generate the c with the little circle around it.
HTML also has special characters for trademark ™. Since we often put these in the footer, it is good to know how to create them.
Footer information isn’t usually viewed, so while the information may need to be there, it often is considered less important and not given as much consideration as the rest of the website.
It isn’t uncommon for the content text to be smaller, and sometimes the content will stick to the bottom of the page, although it usually will just move with the page if the page content is too large to fit on the screen.
To make the content smaller – like you might see in an ad, you can use some of the following CSS.
footer {
font-size: 80%;
/* make all the text in the section smaller, unless it is otherwise specified it will only be 80% of the regular size. */
The Web Page Footer was originally found on Access 2 Learn