jQueryUI is a plugin, just as was discussed earlier, developed by the jQuery team. It can be used to modify the user interface of a webpage using basic jQuery techniques.
To install you will need to include the jQuery JavaScript source file, the jQuery UI JavaScript source file, and the jQuery UI CSS file. The CSS file needs to go in the head. The jQuery JS files needs to be before the jQuery UI JS file. However, they should be toward the bottom of HTML document.
Sample jQueryUI Page
Note: For jQueryUI 1.10.x, you will need to make sure the version of jQuery you include is at least 1.6.
The JavaScript would have gone like this:
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You can also have a local copy if you don’t want to be dependent upon another website.
One advantage with a local copy is that you can customize your CSS and jQueryUI source files. This allows you to stylize the theme, and only include the methods you want to include, so your file is smaller, and it should load faster for your end-user.
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You will need to have to a local version if you are going to use a custom theme, which we will be showing next.
jQuery UI – Adding jQueryUI to your Web Page was originally found on Access 2 Learn
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