An Introduction to JSON

JavaScript Object Notation, or JSON, is a solution to the problem of how do we move data between systems, especially data between a server and a web client.  JSON is an open-standards, data interchange format that uses a serializable string of data to store information. It was initiated in the early 2000’s by Douglas Crockford,…

Defining New Datatypes

OK, defining a new Datatype might be a bit of a stretch…how about, defining aliases? You can use the typedef keyword to define a new aliase for an existing data type in C++. The general form is: Let’s say you have experience with another language and you want to use a datatype name that they…

Pointer Basics in C++

A Pointer variable, just called a pointer, holds the memory address of data that is stored. Through the pointer, you can read the address, and thus indirectly access the value of the variable. To access a value, you use the dereference operators (*) to get the value stored at that memory address. To store a…

Review Types

There are several types of reviews a software company might use. Using one does not prevent you from using others – in fact, the best process is to use a combination of all of them. Informal to catch easy things early on, and ensure compliance with design specifications, formal to more rigidly test and verify,…

Review Techniques

Within the context of the software development, the terms defect and fault are synonymous. Both imply a problem that is discovered after the software has been released to end users. The book makes a distinction between error – a problem found before being released to the end user and defect or fault. However, in the real world,…

Thinking in Objects

Traditional procedural programming focuses on actions – functions. Object oriented programming focuses on data (objects) and the operations on objects. You want to look at items that you will be coding, and think, what makes this information up? and, What things can it do, and/or be done to it? Objects in the physical realm are…