Java Packages

Related Java Classes can be grouped together in something called a package. A lot of people like to think of this as being like a folder in your file system, where you group related files. The difference is, that it is your related Java Classes. We’ve already looked at UML packages, and Java packages are…

An Intro to Sorting Data

Quickly finding and sorting data is a very important part for many developers as it allows users to search and find data quickly.  While many languages have built in sorting algorithms, sometimes we only have a template that we need to finish. This is especially true for complex data types which aren’t as easy to…

Programming a Queue

As a programmer, you only have to worry about the top element in the queue and the last element. This is because you will enqueue, or add items to the end of the queue, and dequeue, or remove the first, or top, element of the queue. When you add an item to the queue, you…

Linked Lists

Since arrays must be made of a contiguous section of memory, large arrays become harder to allocate memory for them, especially as the application becomes more complex. Therefore, developers will often look to using something like a linked list. A linked list incorporates a custom data type. One of the data types which makes it…